Y6OS Access Control Configuration Notes

This page contains basic recommendations for configuring a controller, barrier, and access rule in YourSixOS. For hardware instructions, please consult the vendor’s hardware manuals and guides. Additionally, it is the installation partner’s responsibility to comply with all life safety codes.

Basic Steps for Access Control Setup

  1. Add Controller​ (Must be completed by the integrator)
  2. Add Barriers + Configure Barriers​ ​ (Must be completed by the integrator)
  3. Add Barrier Groups​
  4. Add Identities + Add credentials​
  5. Add Identity Groups​
  6. Add Access Schedules​
  7. Add Access Rules

Please refer to the platform guides for more detail.


Permission Requirement: Integrator super admin and integrator admin

    • Adding a controller is done in the same way as adding a camera or any other device. Once it’s added to the platform, a “barrier” section should appear on the device management page.
    • Adding a device to YourSixOS: Adding a device video


Permission Requirement: Integrator super admin and integrator admin


    • Closing Circuit (N/O): “Normally Open” and thus would “alarm” when the circuit is closed (Recommendation)
    • Opening Circuit (N/C): “Normally Closed” and thus would “alarm” when the circuit is opened

REX type

    • Recommendation: Depends on wiring. If your REX relay is wired/set-up to close upon activation, then choose Active low (N/O). This means that the REX closes its relay when it sees motion or is activated. (Not all REXs are motion based.)

Identities & Credentials

    • Card info must be in hexadecimal format

Access Rules

Who is permitted to enter, where, when, and under what circumstances.​

Authentication Profile

For each authentication profile a unique rule needs to be configured. For example, if I want to use a card to enter and a REX to exit then you will have 2 access rules:

    • Authentication Profile: Card Direction: In
    • Authentication Profile: REX Direction: OUT

Access Rule Options


YourSixOS Access Control Training Videos