AI & Analytics

Modern security involves more than just up-to-date hardware; the chips within the devices serve as their brains. The rise of edge computing has led to significant advancements in security through analytics. What insights can a camera sensor provide about its surroundings? How can it streamline and enhance decision-making processes? If AI isn’t integrated into your security solution, you are falling behind.

YourSixOS is built to support analytics that operate directly on the edge/device. We provide direct support for Axis Communications’ analytics, detailed below. Analytics are an important aspect of notifications. For more information on each analytic, including model support, please visit Axis Communications’ website.

    • AXIS Object Analytics (AOA)
        • Detects and classifies humans and vehicles. Additional scenarios include line cross detection, time in area (loitering), occupancy counting, and crossline counting
        • Ideal for video monitoring
        • Present in all new AXIS Communications models
        • Resource: AOA Configuration & Tuning
    • AXIS VMD (Video Motion Detection)
    • AXIS Motion Guard
        • Video motion detection
        • Differs from AXIS VMD as it supports scene depth adjustment and minimum object size
    • AXIS Live Privacy Shield
        • Dynamic masking of moving objects such as humans or faces
        • Ideal for safeguarding individuals’ privacy/identity
    • AXIS Fence Guard
        • Line crossing detection
        • Ideal for intrusion detection
    • AXIS Loitering Guard
        • Detects loitering
    • AXIS Perimeter Defender
        • Detects people and vehicles intruding on a property

Analytics in Video Monitoring

The YourSixOS Platform facilitates professional video monitoring by linking customers with a network of national central stations that can verify and respond to events detected by the system. The implementation of effective AI analytics aids central stations in accurately verifying events and minimizing false alarms. For all video monitoring scenarios, it is recommended to use AXIS Object Analytics (AOA) as the primary analytic.

    • Outdoor
        • Primary Analytic: AOA (AXIS Object Analytics) or PIR
        • Alternative: No alternative. The use of AXIS Motion Guard or AXIS VMD is not recommended for outdoor video monitoring and will result in high numbers of false alerts
    • Indoor
        • Primary Analytic: AOA (AXIS Object Analytics)
        • Alternative: AXIS Video Motion Guard (only use when AOA is not supported)

Analytics for Video Recording

The YourSixOS platform can record continuously or be triggered by edge-based AI analytics. When leveraging analytics for recording triggers, YourSix recommends using AXIS VMD. Utilizing VMD ensures that all relevant events are captured while conserving bandwidth.

Additional Resources